In Home Visit

Want a Sleep Expert to meet with you in your home? 

This visit is for parents with a child from 3 months to 4 years looking for connecting with Jessica in person to discuss their child's current sleep and goals. We discuss your current routine, and your child's sleep environment, and create a plan in person. Your visit will be a shame-free visit with Jessica where she will approach the consultation from the perspective of the child and you will feel supported throughout the entire process.

This level of support includes:

 ✓ one 2-hour consultation

 ✓ observation of a parent putting your child down for a nap 

 ✓ observation of your child's calming needs, feeding, and developmental level

✓ a tour of your child’s sleep environment

✓ discuss different methods to reach your sleep goals

✓ travel within the DFW area (50 miles)

✓ written summary with next steps (delivered within 24 hours of visit)

✓ the comfort of connection with an expert in your home to fully understand what a day looks like for you and your baby

During Jessica's visit, you will discuss all your concerns as well as cover age-appropriate sleep expectations, child development, troubleshoot current challenges,  bedtime routine, sleep training methods that fit your child’s temperament, strategies for night wakings or early wakings, and discuss how other elements such as feeding schedule can impact the creation of new sleep routines.

For toddlers and preschoolers, we will focus on the Sleep Happy Jobs Method to build confidence while creating healthy sleep habits. 

*In-Home Visit date will be scheduled via email directly with Jessica.  

Sleep Happy Guarantee: Sleep Happy strives to meet the individual needs of each family we work with and to develop a plan that meets those unique needs. If you work closely with Sleep Happy during your visit, and for some reason do not see improvement in your child’s sleep, Sleep Happy will evaluate the best next steps to get you success. Do note that if your child wakes a couple times and falls back asleep on their own within a few minutes, this is considered sleeping through the night.

Any refunds after the start of the Support will be on a case by case basis and will be based on the time you have spent with your consultant.