Sleep Happy Playbook

Get the right plan to solve your child’s sleepless nights

Are you ready for relief seeing a plan that works,

no longer dreading bedtime and enjoying your child more?

Life is too short to spend it sleep deprived and frustrated 

Many parents get stuck in a constant state of trying new things every night which leads to confusion for the child and frustration for the parents.

When you don’t feel like you have the right plan...

  • You question everything 

  • Your child screams every time you walk in to start the bedtime routine

  • You try something new but then quickly go back to old crutches that work immediately but you know they aren’t sustainable 

  • You miss your old life before the sleep loss

  • You feel like a bad parent because you can’t figure it out

  • You dread bedtime because you don’t know how long it’s going to take or how much crying there will be

Get the Self-Led Sleep Happy Playbook for Your Child

Want to become clear on the right plan to solve your child’s sleepless nights in just 3-5 days? 

With the Sleep Happy Playbook, you will have a phone consultation with Jessica where you will create the right sleep plan to solve your child’s sleepless nights. 

You will receive an email with your child’s Sleep Happy Playbook in step-by-step format complete with resources depending on the age of your child within 24 hours, so that you feel ready to implement the steps confidently.

With a pediatric sleep strategist at your side, you will feel excited and eager to get started because you know you have created the right plan for your child to sleep well.  

Perfect for:  Parents or Caregivers who want an expert to help them create the right plan for their child to sleep well. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You may be right, but do you know when that will be?  How many more nights do you want your child to endure not having the sleep their body needs to grow and develop.  Our proven framework changes your sleep in five days or less.  

  • At Sleep Happy, we believe that crying is a child’s primary form of communication. Children have different cries that communicate different things.  All cries do not mean your child is  distressed.  We listen to each child’s communication and make sure that as adults we aren’t making assumptions for our child, cutting off our child’s communication, or placing our adult emotions on our child which causes a child to stop trying to communicate over time.  

  • You are an integral part of your child’s sleep success.  Your child looks to you to create the predictable pattern in their day so they can predict what happens next.  When a baby cannot see a pattern repeating each day, they are confused which leads to more crying and fussiness throughout the day.

  • Every child craves sleep.  However, it does take dedication from the parent who feels like they have the right plan to take the action needed to change patterns and repeat the new pattern consistently so the child can begin to predict the new pattern and feel safe.  

  • When you invest in the Sleep Happy Framework, you receive the right step by step plan to solve your child’s sleepless night today and you learn a repeatable framework that you can use over and over as your child grows to reset sleep or adjust sleep patterns as your child grows.  I have many parents that use the framework on when they have another baby. Your Playbook will be a resource you will come back to ask your child grows.



For children 4 months to 6 years


Has my child reached their sleep milestone?

You deserve to understand your child’s sleep and get good sleep without the frustration of continuing to try things that do not work.

Let’s get started solving your child’s sleepless nights